1. Ugh. Pelosi is so gross. I bet those things hang like two fried eggs on a nail. Did you see her mongoloid mouth spasms during the speech? Looked like she was trying to get Elizabeth Warren’s pussy hair off her tongue.

    Nice one, Earl. Please do some more on Sheila Jackson-Lee. One of my all-time favorites of yours was Sheila’s “Wise Words of Wonderments” from a few years ago. Funny stuff.

    1. That’s a popular theory but some maintain the tit growth is a direct result of the facial tightening. They’ve stuffed her wrinkles down into her tits. Either one is possible.

  2. Only three security men to throwl Pelosi’s sorry butt out? Where’s the fumigator? The minesweeper? The new replacement litter box?

  3. Kind of like the modern liberal version of Mary Poppins. I wonder if they just fix her TIAs with airplane glue now.

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