The U.S. Lost Track Of 1,475 Immigrant Children Last Year. Here’s Why People* Are Outraged Now. *(aka Desperate, Lying Democrats)


Go laugh your ass off at the all new Democrisis Outrage of the Month

Anyway, the “children” haven’t been lost. They’ve all hooked up with family and friends. They are however, struggling a bit to assimilate.

missing immigrant children



  1. Average IQ where these blokes hail from is around 80, and that’s probably being generous. Mayans discovered the number 0 but never invented the wheel. They know how to operate a 9mm is all we need to worry about.

  2. Hey, that little guy on the left is my lawn boy, Hernando.
    When he brings my car back after he visits his sick mother in Tijuana I’ll tell him he’s in your picture.

  3. With tattooed faces like that, they make great targets. Can easily ID friend from foe. And they did it to themselves.

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