1. You need to work on a .gif that sprouts a cloud outta that Tennis Girl thar on the right whenever you put up a picture of Hillary like this!

      1. THANK YOU!!!
        I really appreciate the soothing view.

        BTW, is there any chance we can hire a Bosnian sniper to take care of her highness?

  2. Considering the level of corruption on display from the Feebles today, and it’s more than just this Beast needing incarcerated and/or executed. All I could think of watching that retard who they now apparently think sad-cat face shots are for him, was that they are somewhere between “Banana Republic” and “Less Competent than Mayberry , PD” It’s worse than anyone could have even imagined

  3. Yes, that would be nice. Stopping Hillary. So maybe a little less undercutting of the presumed GOP nominee would be in order from now on?

    1. That is a pretty tall order. I love Conservatives, but we don’t have any running this time, or since 1984.

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