2014 MFNS Sports Photo Of The Year

Following a lengthy, thorough review and a couple of bitchin’ fistfights by our expert panel of judges, we are proud to announce the 2014 MFNS Sports Photo Of The Year goes to this amazing action shot submitted by professional photojournalist Lubricante del Tanto (pseudonym). Capturing the exact moment that Daft Hippies collapsed near the end of the third furlong of the race, throwing jockey Barack Obama completely from the saddle. Incredulously, Obama was able to land on his feet and vowed to run the final quarter on his own. He maintains a steady trot to this day. (Seen at left is eventual winner Bold Oatmeal ridden by current Senate Majority Leader Marshmallow Mitch McConnell.)

He Done Got Throwed Off His Agenda
Throwed Off His Agenda



  1. The Agony of Defeat, for sure. And for us, the agony of victory while still surrounded by useless clowns like lady jockey Mitch! But that face is priceless. Excellent choice by the esteemed panel, and top shelf, oily work, Lubricante!

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