1. About 100 times over. I hope that Bubba and Hillary share a small cell in the Ninth level of Hell for eternity and a day.

  1. a) fucking warn people before posting that shit
    b) If I can beat her to death with a pipe wrench, sure

    1. You’d look anyway.
      No wrenches, sorry. They’ll take it and you away. We do see an opportunity to spit in her eye. They’ll still take you away but you’d get a clear shot.

  2. Guess they had to stop one event because she stopped everything and wanted to show everybody how she makes armpit farts.

  3. Our local newspaper prints photos of sex offenders when they are busted, and when they move into a neighborhood. Every one of them has that old-before-their-time, harried, broken look … exactly like Cankles does. You can lie about your scumbag life, but your face and eyes reveal the truth.

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