It’s Called A Blogiversary (I Looked It Up)

Tempus Fuggit? You know it.

We turn 4 today. 48 months. 1460 days. 35,040 hours. All that time, shot to Hell. Measured by the hundreds of thousands of visitors we’ve seen stop by our filthy flophouse of a blog, we must be one of the major productivity killers in America today, thanks to you. And you’ll never get it back either. You have completely wasted your time here!

And I love and admire you all for that. Thank you for coming over and pointing and laughing with me. You’re the best.



  1. Happy Happy Blogiversary, Sweetie. The time I wasted over here was more then worth it for your unique take on our world. Besides, I’m my own boss, so who’s gonna tell me I can’t! ❤

    1. Nobody puts Baby in the corner.

      You’re the boss of everything, no argument from me. And thank you very much my dear friend and good neighbor. Also intelligent, rational and fair-minded political observer and insighter. And did I mention Hot?

      I got nothin’ but love for ya, Boss. Thanks again!

  2. May it be 400 before we know it, Earl. Thanks for the gut laughs. And the tee shirts! I’ve pissed off more idiots with your tee shirts than I could ever do with my own obnoxious self!

  3. Oh Earl, when I saw the sign “now we are 4” I thought you were recognizing the age you contracted “arrested development”, My grandson is 4 and he likes to say “bootie”, and, obviously, you like to display them. Well, my work here is done!
    But, seriously, HAPPY HAPPY 4 years!

    1. Just remembered another anecdote germane to your anniversary. The story goes, a Roman nurse was instructed to give her patient an IV and she dutifully handed him a “4”.

    2. Thanks my old, old, old friend. You’re a Jedi Master at humorous word play and a stalwart member of this whatever we are here.Thank you, thank you my friend.

  4. Earl-I have visited and enjoyed this site often but have never commented-so does that make me a secret admirer? Congratulations on your fourth anniversary and best wishes for many many more years of entertaining us (and hopefully yourself).
    The only thing I ask of you-don”t use those pictures you have above of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to celebrate your future anniversaries. They do look younger in the pics than in real life-were they taken from their high school yearbooks?

    1. Thanks Richard, great to meet you. They’re just cupcakes, though. Big, wide, spankable cupcakes. That need (and will get) frosting. And you’re not a secret anymore! Welcome to our asylum.

  5. Congrats, you crazy artist you! Keep flingin’ it! Great chuckles. The filthy pols deserve all the abuse you can heap

  6. Earl, thank you for sharing and letting us in for a glimpse of your strange little world.
    I forgive you for countless reroutings of my coffee and other beverages through my nose and ruining thousands of dollars in fine clothing, table linen etc. (I have now learned to use a bib!)
    Don Earl of Taint, I will leave you now as I know you are busy, may your first child be a masculine child, I pledge my un-dieing loyalty to you.

    1. OH WOW!! You really know how to get my attention!
      Do you have a recipe for that cake?

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