New Dinosaur Found In Argentina Said To Be Largest Beast Ever To Walk The Earth…On Four Legs

Weighing in at 130,000 pounds, 30 feet tall and 85 feet long, meet Dreadnoughtus.

The Dreadnoughtus, which means “fears (almost) nothing,” is the first of this species and most complete ever found of this group of dinosaurs known as titanosaurs. Although it was a plant-eater, a healthy Dreadnoughtus likely had no real issues with predators due to its intimidating size and muscular, weaponized tail.

“How do you come up with a body size that is so enormous when you’re a terrestrial animal?” Luis Chiappe, director of the National History Museum of Los Angeles’s Dinosaur Institute, told the Washington Post. “You need to have a structural design that allows you to support a body like that, and you have to be potentially adapted to eat 24 hours a day, nonstop.”

Diagram courtesy of The Earl of Taint Reform School for Liberals
Diagram courtesy of The Earl of Taint Reform School for Liberals



  1. Earl, it’s Flotusaurus Humongous Derrierious Wookius…….and that all I have to say about that!

  2. OldWhiteythat ain't gonna die, not just yet. Sorry, oprah-get gayle to come slap me around... PLEASE!!! says:


    This font can’t deliver the severity of the issue of being able to land the 747 back there

      1. Yeah, but you could show her (it) in hunting mode. Seeing her crush a T-Rex with that weaponized tail of hers might be interesting… On second thought, maybe you made the right call.

  3. Flotusauruis not a scientifically acceptable classification… Anew species was discovered this year, Brontomerus, which translates as “thunder thighs” ,,name fits .

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