1. Gee, it must be all that high calorie food they are stealing from the shops they plunder.

    1. Food has been recently eaten, obviously. In excess of actual caloric needs, quite obviously. There’s a lot of storage there. But I’m not sure we can tell where the food was sourced. Plunder is as good as guess as any.

  2. Cuz dey be scammin’ duh systum of whitey! Duh only thaaaang dey be gud at is bein’ liburul, an’ iggurunt, an’ lazy, an’ PO! Yeah, dey be PO… NOT because dey be lazy an’ stupid, but because dey be oppress’ by honkys. Dey can’ even get a job at uh call centuh, cuz Indians who don’ even speak English can communucate bettuh den dey do, cuz whitey won’t make ebonics a real language, en give dem duh respek dey deserve! If ONLY whitey would take off dey chains en let dem go back to afrikkuh, dey cud make uh yewtoepeeuh.

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